Welcome To Sarina IT

Sarina IT is an innovative, results driven and customer focused firm that has several years of experience in providing real results to its customers.

Founders of Sarina IT have over 20+ years of experience in the IT field bringing cutting edge solutions and application development experience to it’s customer. Having worked with the US Government in civilian, defense and intelligence agencies, our organization understands the needs of the government and strives for efficient, concrete and innovative solutions.

Who We Are

Sarina IT is a software services consulting firm serving small and medium government and commercial clients application and graphics development and design, IT consulting, agile implementation and risk management. We leverage cutting edge technology to develop customized systems specifically developed for our customers’ specialized needs.

Sarina IT strives to be a firm that delivers innovative and cutting edge solutions to our customers’ needs and reliable solutions while adhering to the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and expertise.

We will go out of our way to gain your trust and create relationships.

We are a small IT firm with several years of experience. Founders of the company started working on IT projects and managing programs since the earlier days of accessing back end data onto a dynamic website.
Sarina Information Technology has expert knowledge in the tech industry and in your local job market to help you find the right IT professionals, whether you need them for the short term or for the long term. With the flexibility to help organizations scale up or down depending on their workflow, we enable you to maximize your resources and leverage opportunities.
We connect with highly qualified IT professionals to opportunities at small, medium and large companies in virtually every industry. We make sure that our candidates possess a multitude of skill sets and are very professional. The market for highly qualified IT candidates is competitive – and it isn’t getting any easier. Sarina IT makes sure that we can connect you with top IT talent to your open positions at the shortest time period.

Our Amazing Skills

Program, Project, Risk Management 80
Graphic Design and Multimedia 85
Application and Mobile Development 90
Cloud Computing 95
Staffing Augmentation Services 100

Meet Our Team

President & COO
The President of Sarina IT is an exemplary technologist with over 8 years of hands on experience in the IT field. She has worked with big financial institutions including Promontory that worked with millions of dollars for the finance industry. She is a subject matter expert in Share Point technology and consulting using various cutting edge technologies such as JQUERY, CSS, Portal Development and Customized Workflows. She was able to develop a customized solution for her firm that had features that mimic MS Project Server ultimately saving millions in licensing fees.

As the Chief Operating Officer of the company she is responsible for the oversight of the applications developed as well as the management of the products.

She holds a BA in Arts from Rawal Pindi but noticed that her interest lied with information technology and since then she has been an active IT professional. Her areas of interest include SharePoint consulting and Management.

Managing Adviser
Managing Adviser of Sarina IT has over 18+ years of experience in the field of information technology. He has worked with several 500 Fortune Companies including General Dynamics, Vencore and CACI. Throughout his career he has worked and helped various Federal Agencies including NRO, Department of Defense, State Department, Department of Education and GSA to name a few.

He has successfully managed teams over different states and countries and has worked very closely with industry leaders and innovators.

He holds a BS in Computer Science from George Mason University, MS in Information Systems from Boston University.